Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Logo Design

VietBio Logo

A logo design for a Singapore based BioTech company operates in Vietnam. The concept behind is the DNA image represent the business nature of the company. The upper part of the DNA which looks like V represent Vietnam, where the word Bio represent bio itself. VietBio Co. Ltd is the company registration name.

Taka Silver Logo

A silver jewelries company based in Ipoh. A simple concept whereby the diamond represent the business nature of the company.

Dino Freezer Logo

A snow ice drink company named Dino Freezers. My client needs a young and fun
approach to attracts the younger targeted audience, therefore, i designed a cartoon alike logo and the colours also reflects the icy cold feeling.

Armada Antara Logo

A engineering company named Armada Antara request a logo design for their newly setup company. Red and Blue is their company corporate colour. A variety of image i design to reflects the nature of their business, such as cranes, building, letters.

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